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France 2024 Röda Guiden Michelin

Art.nr: 9782067264328
Tillgänglighet: Ur lager
Pris: 295,00kr
Exkl.moms: 278,30kr
Tags: Frankrike,

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Edition 2024

De röda hotell- och restaurangguiderna från Michelin med de senaste utmärkelserna av guldkrogar. Guiderna innehåller även en mängd tips om bra boende, sevärdheter, prisvärda restauranger m.m. Böckerna är skrivna på respektive lands språk med sammanfattningar och teckenförklaringar på engelska.

The MICHELIN Guide France is carefully researched, with objective recommendations to numerous restaurants & hotels. Anonymous inspectors use the famed Michelin star rating system to create an extensive selection of great places to eat for all budgets. Recommendations to 3,600 delicious restaurants & 700 hotels.

From Starred to highly recommended restaurants traditional or starred restaurants for a special occasion. Awards such as the Bib Gourmand indicative of an affordable and enjoyable meal. Plates identifying restaurants offering a good meal. Covering traditional dishes and starred restaurant menus for every occasion... To make your visit memorable, the MICHELIN guide has an easy-to-use format, featuring:

  • Longer more in depth descriptions for two and three star restaurants
  • Thematic indexes to help you make the right choice
  • Cultural and practical information
  • More than 70 pages of magazines on gastronomic news in France, chefs and their commitments to sustainable cuisine.
  • Cuisines from around the world, in all price bands
  • City map locating the guide's restaurants
  • Lively description for each entry with pictures, including price indications