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Irland vägatlas AA

Art.nr: 9780749582302
Tillgänglighet: Ur lager
Pris: 149,00kr
Exkl.moms: 140,57kr

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Skala 1:200 000. AA. Edition 2020.

This atlas includes AA approved camping sites and AA listed golf courses, picnic sites, port plans and ferry routes. Plus, motorway strip maps detailing all of Ireland's motorway junctions. Toll motorways and motorway service areas are clearly highlighted.

There are 10 detailed city and town plans with street indexes: Belfast, Cork, Londonderry, Dublin, Galway, Killarney, Kilkenny, Limerick, Sligo and Waterford and an easy-to-read 3,500 place name index, including top tourist sites. Irish language areas are shown on the main mapping. District maps of Dublin and Belfast show the surrounding area in more detail.