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Walking on Madeira

Art.nr: 9781852848552
Tillgänglighet: Ur lager
Pris: 295,00kr
Exkl.moms: 278,30kr

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Cicerone 2023

A walking guide to the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo. Selection of varied day walks exploring Madeira's network of levadas (water channels) as well as routes across steep and rugged mountains, with slopes of bare rock or laurisilva 'cloud' forest. The neighbouring island of Porto Santo offers easy walking and a sandy beach.

A year-round destination: hot and humid in the summer, cooler and a little wetter in winter.

Funchal, Ribeira Brava, Santana, Porto Moniz, Porto Santo

Routes for all abilities, from easy, level levada walks to very steep and rugged mountain paths. Some routes are mostly downhill. Adjacent routes can be linked to form longer walks.

Must See
​Parque Natural da Madeira, Pico Ruivo, levadas, laurisilva forests, Ponta de São Lourenço